hei Albstadt-Sigmaringen University


Name: Albstadt-Sigmaringen University
Local name:
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
Anton-Günter-Straße 51
72488 Sigmaringen
Website: www.hs-albsig.de
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
Facility and Process Design Facility and Process Design 1.5 90 Master of Science Master of Science SCD
Industrial Engineering - Digital Production Management Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Digital Production Management 1.5U 90 Master of Science Master of Science SCD
Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmatechnik 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science FCD
Advanced IT Security Advanced IT Security 1.5U 90 Master of Science Master of Science SCD
IT Security IT Security 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Science FCD
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering 1.5U 90 Master of Engineering Master of Engineering SCD
Mechanical Engineering - Computer Aided Product Development and Manufacturing Maschinenbau - Rechnerunterstützte Produkterstellung 1.5U 90 Master of Engineering Master of Engineering SCD
Textile and Clothing Technology Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Engineering FCD
Computer Engineering Technische Informatik 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering FCD
Mechanical Engineering Maschinenbau 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering FCD
Material and Process Engineering Material- und Verfahrenstechnik 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Engineering FCD
Sustainable Engineering Sustainable Engineering - Nachhaltige Produkte und Prozesse 3.5U 210 Bachelor of Engineering FCD

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type Period EUR-ACE
Clothing Technology Bekleidungstechnik B+3U+1T Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) FCD Equivalent until 30/09/2014
Domestic- and Nutrition Technology Haushalts- und Ernährungstechnik B+3U+1T Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) FCD Equivalent until 30/09/2014
Mechanical Engineering Maschinenbau B+3U+1T Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) FCD Equivalent until 30/09/2014
Pharmaceutical Engineering Pharmatechnik B+3U+1T Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) FCD Equivalent until 30/09/2014
Technical Computer Science Technische Informatik B+3U+1T Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) FCD Equivalent until 30/09/2014